Quick announcement regarding OnlyFans. There has been news of "talks" going on between OF and investors, and while nothing is certain as of yet, it's possible that OF goes mainstream. Which would mean no more porn on the platform. No more nudes. It would become a celebrity platform almost exclusively and independent content creators would be pushed off. No more Amber booty, just sports guys and movie stars posting about their breakfast that no normal person can afford. While I think it would be incredibly stupid for them to do this (they'd literally be pulling a Tumblr), I'm not discounting the possibility, so I just want to let you all know right now that if that DOES happen, I'll move to Many Vids and use their Crush system, which is basically the same thing as OnlyFans. The price may go up by a buck or two because they take a larger cut than OF, but I'll still be providing everything that I give you guys here :) Thanks for reading everyone