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As my page grows, I’ve decided that I’m NOT ever going to hire a chatter. I’d rather potentially be less accessible than hire help, and if your DM is tipped, I promise I will get to you first. If you’ve just unlocked something and want to chat about the set, I will reply! Regulars also get way more leeway here. What I can’t guarantee a response to is chats where you haven’t unlocked anything or tipped in the DMs. It’s a time management thing. I hope you understand! It’s way more meaningful to know that it’s me answering my own DMs and I think that the guaranteed one-on-one with me is worth the potential loss of availability for free. Tipped DMs go to a priority inbox and I will always answer you first ❀ This is a decision I feel confident making. You’ll never talk to an assistant, only ever me. Read more
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